CATNPUD is a part of the European Network of People who Use Drugs –EuroNPUD–
It is estimated that about 187,000 drug-related deaths occur every year.
On July 21th we commemorate those who have lost their lives to the War on Drugs.
Every year, we lose someone close
Drug policies consists in a progressive ideas, arguments and practiques.
We must to critique current prohibitionist and recognize historical origins and adverse human impacts.
On The War On Drugs from Christophe Sion / Hokusai Films on Vimeo.
In order to: promote, encourge & contribute a more critical understanding of prohibition, to much needed discussion about… …how best to regulate the consumption of different psychoactive substances |
CATNPUD was created in Barcelona (March 2nd 2016) and integrates people who use drugs and related organizations.
- Strengthen and coordinate the network, promote the activism and social sensitivity
- Generate knowledge, reflection, innovative ideas and activities related to drug addiction
In my backyard… (nobody bites) from Christophe Sion / Hokusai Films on Vimeo.
This documentary show the action of an association of drug users (ARSU) from the perspective of harm reduction in this scene: their participation is essential to ensure coexistence and promote health and attitudes of respect in the community. IN MY BACK YARD wants to be a tool to promote training and non-conflicting strategies to implement services providing attention to drug addiction. And all that needs the consensus of the various involved actors in the same area. “Drug users are not the problem but instead are part of the solution“ |
- Promotion & support to the organisation of different activities of activism carried out by drug users, related organisations, etc.
- Spread information and activities through social networks